12. Jul 2018

The secretary-general of the EUG2018 wants the athletes to be the ambassadors of Coimbra

Mário Santos, secretary-general of the European Universities Games, says that hosting this type of events is always a tough task but the legacy it will leave on Coimbra will be rewarding and motivational for those who practice and love sports. The investment in construction lasts beyond the games but the organisation is also focused on making the event memorable for the appreciation of the sport and the city. All the efforts were made so that the student/athletes could have all the conditions necessary to compete and also to encourage them to know Coimbra and embrace its spirit.


Coimbra will receive more than 4000 athletes for the European Universities Games. How did the organisation prepare the arrival of those student/athletes and which dynamics involve their stay in the city?

It was a difficult task considering the size of Coimbra and the accommodation capacity. It required an articulation between the university, local accommodations and hotels so that we could receive all these athletes, referees, staff, etc. Since we are preparing a sport’s event, we had to create all the conditions for sports practice and we also thought it would be interesting to get the students to know the city, with the University Stadium as the main attraction, spreading them around Coimbra so they can know and live the unique university spirit the city has. 


What was the investment needed for organising such a big event?

We had an operational budget of 4 million euros and another one concerning the constructions made in the stadium, which got to 5 million euros. We need to separate both budgets because the constructions in the stadium happened in the context of the games but will last for much more time. About the operational budget, it includes food, arbitration, transports, etc. 


What impact will hosting the EUG have on Coimbra?

An event like this one will have a huge impact, first of all, in the infrastructures, with everything that has been built and improved, raising the quality of the sport’s practice and then the recognition of the importance of sports in your daily life. That material and immaterial legacy is very important and is going to have a huge effect on the University’s sport and the city.


What are the expectations of the organisation for the EUG?

Above everything, we hope that, just like the material legacy, the games last much longer than the hosting period, in everything that concerns sport and the appreciation of physical activity, bringing better quality for everyone who practises it. We also want to give to those who visit the city a unique experience, so they can come back to Portugal and become ambassadors of Coimbra.


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