26. Jun 2018

Coimbra is almost ready for the EUG2018

With three weeks for the start of the European Universities Games, Coimbra is almost ready to host the biggest multisport event ever organized in Portugal.


As you can see in the pictures in this article, Coimbra's University Stadium is almost ready with the final constructions almost ending. The common areas were totally renewed with new asphalt placed. Also, the football field at the University Stadium had the grass placed yesterday and last arrangments are being made to have it ready in the next couple of days. The tennis courts were also improved with a new surface.




Also in Coimbra's train station the EUG2018 is now an important feature. The station was dressed with EUG2018 materials and the thousands of people who daily use the station can't miss the new design of the station!


Know how you can have a 30% discount on train tickets if you are coming to Coimbra for the Games here.






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